Walking 10,000 steps a day is a must for everyone. It helps you burn those calories with ease and keeps you going strong. But on an average a person leading a sedentary lifestyle walks maximum 3000 steps. So, what can be done to get you walking more? Is it a far-fetched and unrealistic target? Well, maybe not. Here are some simple tips that you can inculcate in your everyday routine and meet your walking target with ease.
1. Find a Walking BuddyIt is one of the best way to get you going. Once you plan a walking session with your friend, then you are bound to make it happen. Decide a time, which is convenient for you and your friend, and then stick to the schedule of going for a walk, every day. Your walking buddy could also be your four-legged pet at home. Make sure you take your dear pet for a stroll every day, so that you both benefit with a longer and better life.
A family should be your reason to have a better lifestyle instead of it acting as a hindrance. Plan a walking date with your significant other and your kids. Fix a time from your busy schedule to walk and talk with your partner. It will be a great way of spending some quality time and taking care of each other’s health needs. Likewise, when it comes to kids, they are playful by nature and love their timeout. So, take your infant in a stroller and toddlers in their bike and accomplish your daily walking target.
Make it your target that anything, which falls less than a mile away from your home you will walk up to that destination. Whether it is that grocery store, your workplace or kid’s school try walking up and meet your target with ease. Better still, make the most of the Google maps and plan your trips. You will soon be meeting-up your daily walking task easily.
Start making a wardrobe of comfortable clothes and shoes, which you should wear at home and school, so that you can walk anytime with ease. Those stylish clothes should not be your excuse for not working out. Keep your sportswear in your armoire in a way that you first end up looking at it. You can also keep a pair of sport shoes at office or near the gate at home. A glance at it will give you that push to go for a walk. You can make your sports wardrobe awesome and at an amazing price from Sporto.in. Shop for mens Bermuda shorts, best track pants, men’s v neck shirts, and workout t shirts for men and get walking
5. Drink-up that Glass of Water
Whether at home or office, do keep your water bottle handy and keep sipping water. It will make your loo visits more frequent, giving you a reason to take a quick break and walk. Along with loo breaks, you will also be walking up to the water cooler more frequently to refill your water bottle. Try this trick, it will add to your steps taken, significantly.
With these easy additions in your lifestyle, you will greatly benefit with a fantastic walking score, every day. Make walking social, fun and leisure for you and your dear ones. Going out pubbing with friends and dining out with family can be easily replaced with a nice walk the talk session at the nearest park followed by a fun picnic. You are sure to spend a quality time there as well and have an awesome walking track record.