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9 Moves, 9 Changes You Need to Make During Navratri

9 Moves, 9 Changes You Need to Make During Navratri - Sporto by Macho

With the onset of Navratri, commences the holy month for Hindus. The period of festivities begins with the worshipping of goddess Durga for 9 days, which culminates with Dusherra celebrations. During these 9 days, many people observe fasting and refrain from consuming non-vegetarian food and alcohol. However, with so many and different food options that one can consume during this period, the fasting often leads to feasting. From indulging in fried food to eating high-calorie sweets, instead of shedding a few kilos at the end of the 9 days’ people tend to gain weight. So, let’s make this Navratri different for you. While retaining the essence of this festival, make these 9 moves and changes, and get the many therapeutic benefits of fasting and of a quick weight loss.

1. Increase Fruit & Vegetable Intake: This Navratri plan your meals around fruits and vegetables. You can have fruits for breakfast and vegetables for dinner. As you can eat all fruits during this fast, try to plan your snacks around it too. By increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables, your body will not suffer from any vitamin and mineral loss over these 9 days, and it will help you in getting back in shape.

Fruit & VegetableNavratri special food

2. Indulge in Navratri Delicacies: Don’t want to miss the buckwheat flour (kuttu atta) and samakia chawal, well please go ahead and indulge in it. These are typical Navratri special food and you should not miss it. Include them in your lunch and relish every bit of it. When you eat such food for lunch and then work through the day you will be able to burn it and stay fit.

3. Portion Control: The Navratri food is rich in starch. You may pamper your taste buds, however, remember to exercise portion control. Overeating this kind of food will make you feel bloated and can increase your weight.

avoid fried food

4. Avoid Fried Food & Sweets: This is the time when you will get a lot of fried foods and sweets are also more accessible. If it is fasting healthy the criteria this time, then avoiding these is the key. If it is hard to resist, indulge in it once during these 9 days and consume it in less quantity.

5. Eat Home Cooked Meals: The biggest challenge when you are planning to lose weight is to control yourself from eating outside. If that is the case with you, then Navratri is the ideal time to stick to it. When fasting one should, in any case, avoid eating out from a religious point of view. This is the best time to stick to home-cooked, healthy meals and seeing a significant difference in your physique at the end of these 9 days.

avoid eating out

6. Eat Frequently: Even though you are fasting, you should not skip your meals or break the practice of eating every 2 hours. You can take some healthy snacks and fruits, and try to eat something every 2-3 hours.

7. Stay Hydrated: During the fasting period, you should pay careful attention to your fluid intake. Ensure a healthy water intake, and you can also have it in other forms like coconut water, buttermilk, lemon water and fruit shakes.

8. Go for Garba: If you have not tried this amazing dance form, then give it a try this festive season. Look for Garba nights near your home or office and have loads of fun with friends and family doing this joyous form of dance. It also works as a great full body exercise.


9. Keep Moving, Keep Working Out: You are observing fasts, but that does not mean you stop working out. Continue to do your chores even those, which are physically strenuous and reap the benefits. It will also be better if you stay consistent with diet and exercise, i.e. with your gym, yoga and meditation practice even during the fasting period. It will aid and facilitate your fitness goals.

Along with buying new clothes for the festival, remember to keep a budget for your fitness wear, as well. A new pair of tracks and tees will motivate you to adhere to your workout sessions while enjoying the festival time. If you want to shop for your workout wear online, then check Sporto Red. There are various top and bottom wear options that you will like to include in your wardrobe. Check the range and start making your collection today. Happy Navratri!

Track pant

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