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Eat More to Lose More? Is this the Right Strategy for Weight Loss?

Eat More to Lose More? Is this the Right Strategy for Weight Loss? - Sporto by Macho

Understanding weight loss seems simple to most of us. Eat less, exercise more, and voila, you will shed those kilos easy. However, the problem starts when you are not able to lose weight by eating less i.e. you are managing the calorie intake and workout, and still there is no change on the weighing scales. If you are not eating enough calories and draining a significant chunk by exercising, then your body will not be able to manage the everyday tasks. Under this condition of low energy availability, your body may go into starvation mode and start conserving energy. This will result in weight stagnation or even weight gain in certain situations.

When your body comes in the energy conservation mode feeding it will be the right approach. So, eat more to lose more should be your new strategy. Consume foods that boost your metabolism, and your body will start responding. However, if you have been on a strict diet, then you need to follow a slow and steady approach. Start increasing the calorie intake by 100 calories a day for the initial 2-4 weeks. Choose foods with low energy density. The term energy density refers to the number of calories in a particular amount of food.

Here is how you can eat more, stay fuller and lose weight.

1. Increase the Intake of Water-Based Vegetables: Decrease the portion of meat and cheese from your diet and eat more vegetables to lose weight. Most veggies are low in calories and high in nutrition. So, add more water-based vegetables like cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, beans and like in your diet. You can add these veggies in your sandwich for breakfast, have it with your pasta or bread in your lunch and as a snack in the raw form.

   vegetables to lose weighthealthy fruit salad

2. Fresh Fruits: Make healthy fruit salad a part of your meal plans. Some fruits are low in calories and consuming these in the whole form can do wonders for your health. So, ditch the juices and dry type of fruits and switch to the whole and fresh variety. It will make you feel fuller, better and healthier. Bring in those peaches, mangoes, and blueberries in your breakfast and snacks, and enjoy them fresh and juicy.

3. Fibrous Carbohydrates: Most of the carbohydrates are made from grains or are grains and is one of the main sources of energy. When your weight is not responding, you should bring back the carbs in your diet. You can switch to whole-grains, which are fibrous and rich in nutrients. Choose whole grains bread, pasta, cereal instead of the refined grain variety. But, carbs have a high energy density, so exercise portion control.

   Carbohydratehigh protein diet menu

4. High Protein, Low-Fat Diary: Plan a high protein diet menu and increase the intake of low-fat dairy food in your diet. It can keep you fuller for longer, and you can include from both plant and animal sources. You can add legumes in your diet along with fish, egg-white, and fat-free dairy products.

best Saturated Fats

5. Saturated Fats: These are good for your health and can curb your cravings. Though high energy dense foods, you should include best-saturated fats in small quantities and reap the benefits. Add nuts, seeds, and oil in your diet. Among others, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds are known for containing healthy fats.

Follow this energy density diet and lose weight. Make these dietary changes and continue to work out every day. Exercising is not just for weight loss, but it is also a way of keeping you physically active and healthy. Opt for HIIT workout wear and push yourself every morning to the field or gym. If you are looking for such fitness attire options online, then you can view the collection by Sporto. Click and buy your style, and sweat it out.

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